Image credit: Robin Weinstein, SUNY New Paltz Photographer
We've been busy here at Bold Machines - The Innovation Workshop at Stratasys. We're going to show a new project every weekday of June. Get ready to see some epic projects this month starting today at 10am!
Our primary mission is to showcase the whole Stratasys lineup of 3D printers. We do that by working with innovators to make their products come to life. We accelerate startups through the prototyping stage of product development. We work with artists to creating projects that inspire and push the edges of the technology.
Starting today, we will be posting a project every weekday of June. These projects will be a mix of things we've developed ourselves, things we've helped innovation partners develop, and projects from our archives that haven't seen the light of day... until this month!
Check back daily at 10am and follow us on Twitter and Facebook!